Classification and Data Analysis Group
Società Italiana di Statistica

Welcome to the home page of the CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).

CLADAG, founded in 1997, fosters advanced methodological research in multivariate statistics, with a special focus on Data Analysis and Classification. CLADAG supports the dissemination of ideas related to its fields of interest - including concepts, numerical methods, algorithms, computational and applied results.

To learn more about CLADAG, click here.


Cladag 2025 meeting

Cladag has organised a biannual international scientific meeting since 1997, and the next one will be the 15th edition. However, the 2025 meeting is unique because it is the first time it has been jointly organised with the Vereniging voor Ordinatie en Classificatie (VOC), the Dutch/Flemish Classification Society. This presents a stimulating opportunity for the members of both societies to share ideas and network.

The conference will be held in Naples from 8 to 10 September 2025.

The pre-conference Proceedings (8-12 pages) will be published as Chapters in the Springer book Advances in Supervised and Unsupervised Statistical Data Analysis. The submission deadline is 1 March 2025, and the publication date is September 8, 2025. A standard review process applies.

All participants will have access to a book of abstracts. To participate in the Conference, you must submit a half-page abstract by the deadline of 31 May 2025.

For further info:

Cladag 2024 School

Statistical Methods for Unsupervised and Supervised Learning with Dimensionality Reduction
- Stimulate collaborations and develop research together -

Rome (Italy), February 19-23, 2024

In today's information age, huge amounts of data, often with a complex multidimensional structure, are available in many fields. To learn from such data, statistical methods of classification, clustering and dimensionality reduction play a key role.
The international CLADAG (CLAssification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society) school aims to present, analyse and discuss the statistical methods for unsupervised and supervised learning with dimensionality reduction. The course is especially dedicated, but not limited to Master's students, doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.
Starting from basic concepts, the course will focus on novel techniques and software for unsupervised and supervised learning with dimensionality reduction through extensive applications to real data.
During the lectures and especially on the last day, the course will be dedicated to the ongoing research activity of the lecturers and, possibly, of the participants on the topics of the course to stimulate possible collaborations.

Michael Greenacre, Pompeu Fabra University; Agostino Di Ciaccio, Sapienza University of Rome;
Paolo Giordani, Sapienza University of Rome; Roberto Rocci, Sapienza University of Rome; Maurizio Vichi, Sapienza University of Rome

Dimensionality reduction for quantitative data; Dimensionality reduction for categorical data; Fuzzy unsupervised classification; Model-based (unsupervised) classification; Supervised Classification

Matlab; Python; R